Students Programme

ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad, is the premier institute for millets research in India. The institute is mandated to work on basic and strategic research on sorghum, pearl millet, finger millet, foxtail millet, kodo millet, little millet, barnyard millet. The institute has well equipped labs with modern infrastructure and equipments, to carry our cutting-edge research in modern science and technology. The Institute extends facilities for project work and training of students pursuing MSc/PhD degrees in SAUs, Indian Universities/Institutes. Details of the training are given below:

Applications in the prescribed format forwarded by Head/Principal/Director with all relevant supporting documents including recent passport size photograph will be received round the year to Director (, ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad either in hard copy or by email.

Fees structure (As per ICAR guidelines):

Type of students Fees MOU
Student registered with Institutes (SAUs)of National Agricultural Research System (NARS)- ICAR accreditation No fees ICAR-MOU is required
Student registered with Institutes outside National Agricultural Research System (NARS) Rs. 10,000/- for training duration of 3 months (not leading to a degree/dissertation) ICAR-MOU is required
Student registered with Institutes outside National Agricultural Research System (NARS) Rs. 30,000/- per semester (six months) for training, research, dissertation exceeding three months ICAR-MOU is required


Disciplines for training/research program:

Agronomy Plant Breeding & Genetics
Agricultural Entomology Plant Biotechnology
Agricultural Extension Plant Pathology
Agricultural Economics and Value addition Plant Physiology
Biochemistry Genetic resources

Some common areas of training are Plant Genetic Resources and Database management, Hybridization techniques, male sterility, Hybrid development, Plant Tissue Culture techniques, Genetic transformation, Molecular markers and DNA fingerprinting, Genomics, Gene cloning, molecular diagnostics of plant pathogens, Variability and molecular characterization of plant pathogens, Integrated Pest Management, Food analysis (Proximate composition, Total dietary fiber, Mineral analysis, Fatty acid profiling, Amino acid profiling, Agri-Extension and Rural Development, isolation and morphological characterization of pathogens, Invitro testing of various compounds or bio-agents to inhibit pathogens etc.
On completion of the research work/training, the candidate shall submit a report/dissertation/thesis to his/her Institution/University, with certificate from concerned Scientist from IIMR, Hyderabad, within one month of the completion of training. Two copies of the report/dissertation/thesis must also be submitted to the IIMR, after successful completion of Seminar. IIMR, Hyderabad will hold rights to any publication or IPR emanating from the training/research. However, the candidate may get suitable authorship in the publication, depending on the level of contribution.

Terms and conditions:

  • 1. Applications in prescribed format will only be considered.
  • 2. Candidates will be selected based on merit only. Minimum qualification for application is average of 55% and above in 10th, 12thand graduation/PG program (BSc/BTech/MSc).
  • 3. Fees are to be paid in the form of E-transaction (ICAR-IIMR payment gateway) before the commencement of the Training/research work. Part payment or waiver is not permissible. Fees will not be refunded if the applicant leaves without completing the dissertation/thesis.
  • 4. University/Institute which do not have MoU with ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad for Students Training/ Research has to get the MoU signed in ICAR Format well before the commencement of training or research.
  • 5. Selected candidate will have to arrange for boarding, lodging and transport on their own.
  • 6. Minimum attendance of 90% is essential for completion of the program.
  • 7. Director, IIMR, will have sole discretionary power to settle unforeseen events or disputes, if any.
  • 8. Director or Supervisor/mentor will not be responsible for any kind of accident or hazard met by the trainees during experimentation, handling of equipments or other infrastructure etc.

For training related enquiries contact:

Download Application Form

Dr. P. Sanjana, Chairperson Students/HRM committee
ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad - 500030
Phone: 040 - 2459 9363, Email:


Dr. Stanley ITMU in-charge
ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad - 500030
Phone: 040 - 2459 9360, Email: